ah, these days.
we're working on cleaning a house. it's had stuff to the ceilings and we're cleaning it to live there. it's been hard work. trips up and down the stairs. 16 stairs. some days i make 20 trips up and down. carrying heavy boxes of stuff. somedays it's just me and the chicks. they make messes while i organize and clean out and then, clean up after them. and some days, we have a bunch of help. either way. hard work.
it will be worth it. it will be great. i'm excited. but whew.
in other news. currently obsessing over this little cuppa:
boil 4 cups of water in teapot (yes, i'm using a teapot. granny alert). put in 2 luzianne tea bags. let steep for 5 minutes. add 1 mint tea bag. let sit for a bit to cool off. add to pitcher of 4 cups of cold water plus 2/3 cup of sugar. oh my deliciousness. seriously, no wonder i'm getting so much done and staying up so late. so good.
which also lead to an amazon.com search for cute teapots. i like 'em all. probably best to go with something practical, huh? but the little nesting doll is precious.

did i mention how happy my life is right now? oh, may i always remember these happy days.
i call this picture "chicks on the porch steps".

hard work typography print from fffffffound.com.
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