we recently acquired a hand-me-down white table and i made it my own. paint. that's what i do.
not a step by step tutorial with pics, because frankly, this project was a let's do this, ok, hmm, let's do this... and use what we have. and i was lazy. what's new.
i wanted a chevron table but thought if i didn't get it perfect, i would go bonkers looking at it everyday. and i might put this little lady in the playroom when it starts to get yucky. but i definitely DIDN'T want to keep a white table in the kitchen for the chicks to eat on. especially nutella waffles. gross. this disguises messes much better.

basically i:
* used painter's tape to tape a rectangle off the top,leaving a space around the edge. i wanted to have a matching leg/top border. press hard on that painters tape so paint doesn't seep under.
* painted the legs and the edge of the table top (space 1) a coral color i had in the paint cabinet. it's persimmon red by martha stewart.
* using that tape, make your lace rectangle (space 3). i used rolls of some vintage lace about 3 inches wide. i was searching for a regular, rectangle shaped piece of lace, which would have been easier, but couldn't find any. i used spray adhesive to fill in this whole space, using 5 strips of lace. you can see the strips in the finished piece. it annoyed me at first, but oh, well. in the paint cabinet was a can of spray paint, i think the color was called champagne canyon. just some krylon left over from a project... i sprayed it all over that space, taking care to stay inside the tape.
* let it dry overnight.
* this is where it's confusing to explain. i pulled the tape off. then i used new tape to cover the edge of the lace and also cover the coral border. i covered space 1 and space 3 with tape and it created space 2. (whoa, i don't think that makes sense AT ALL?!?!?) it's just basically exactly where the tape was before- but you need to put down tape to keep your lines straight and keep your colors separate. i painted that a tan acrylic paint i had.
anyway. voila. funky new look, and somewhat neutral color palette. better than it was.
and horrible instructions. sorry. i'm writing this after a 5 hour playdate with a 4 year old, 3 year old, 2 year old and 1 year old. fun but, you know.
ugh. next on the list, chair update. those are looking pretty darn grubby!
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